About Stones

About Tiffany Stone Meaning For Sale

Tiffany Stone

Tiffany Stone or Bertrandite is a Beryllium Ore displaying incredible purple, red, cream, and yellow colors, and is known as the organization stone.    Much of the clutter in our...

Tiffany Stone

Tiffany Stone or Bertrandite is a Beryllium Ore displaying incredible purple, red, cream, and yellow colors, and is known as the organization stone.    Much of the clutter in our...

Yellow Dendric Agate

Yellow Dendric Agate

Yellow Dendritic Agate combines two very powerful stones, Dendrites which are the fern growth through his agate, and Yellow Agate. Dendrites growing through another stone symbolize powerful roots that stand...

Yellow Dendric Agate

Yellow Dendritic Agate combines two very powerful stones, Dendrites which are the fern growth through his agate, and Yellow Agate. Dendrites growing through another stone symbolize powerful roots that stand...